Saturday, July 31, 2010

Blog 3

For this blog I chose to critique an editorial from the Austin American Statesman. Entitled “Walk on Eggshells, Get Egg On Your Face.” The author of this article is commenting on the recent video released and aired on Bill O’rielly’s show that shows Shirley Sherrod, an official from The U.S. Department of Agriculture, stating that she did not perform the full force of her abilities to save a white farmer’s land due to the fact that she was struggling with the loss of so many African American Farms. She “Did enough,” but not all she could do. The video ends there. What it doesn’t show is that she was not working for the department then and eventually overcame her racial bias in order to do the right thing. Consequently, she was fired and condemned by the NAACP .
The author is clearly on Sherrod’s side and I don’t blame him. I too believe that what occurred here was absolutely wrong and inexcusable! It clearly shows that this country is not without racism even in this new millennium; in some instances racial attitudes are strong. How disheartening to know that even good, honest, hard working individuals, can still be victims of racial discrimination and stereotyping. We may have came along way from the civil rights era; we’ve come so far as to finally electing an African American President; yet here we are finding that some of the most influential names in the political and news world have jumped to conclusions and shown true blue racist attitudes.
This admirable woman was merely speaking the truth to an audience of young African Americans in order to empower them and show them that racial tendencies must be overcome on all sides. What was meant to be motivating and inspiring ended up smearing her name and may even have led to more mistrust toward our government officials. It is common knowledge that humans are flawed creatures. This event really brings that point home.

You can find the editorial at:

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